These pieces can be bought anytime and are made to order. Please allow 10-14 business days to process.
- mars
Sold out - the far side
Sold out - innocence$35.00
- bravado
Sold out - destiny
Sold out - over the moon
Sold out - celestial guidance
Sold out - stalker$80.00
- A teaspoon of tears$60.00
- screw this$60.00
- bimbo renaissance
Regular price$100.00Sale price$60.00 - im bringing sexi back
Regular price$100.00Sale price$60.00 - dilemma in green
Sold out - dilemma in pink$70.00
- dilemma in blue$70.00
- tender
Regular price$110.00Sale price$90.00 - star of the show
Regular price$110.00Sale price$90.00 - rebirth
Regular price$110.00Sale price$90.00 - migration choker - Hi-C
Sold out - migration choker - moss$50.00
- migration choker - duality
Sold out - migration choker - barbie
Sold out - migration choker - evian
Sold out - migration choker - tequila sunrise
Sold out